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Wolfberry Peeled almonds Medium 500 g

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Wolfberry Mandle loupané medium 500 g
Wolfberry Mandle loupané medium 500 g
Mandle loupané medium 500 g
Price with VAT : 163,- CZK
VAT:12 %
Total discount:31 %
Original price with VAT:236,- CZK
Availability:In Stock
Category: !_doplnek stravy / potravina pro zvlastni vyzivu / ostatni_!
Seller: AlfaFIT distribuční s.r.o. IČ: 09337814
Packing: 500 g
Price with VAT: 163,- CZK
Wolfberry Medium Shelled Almonds are an unroasted and unsalted delicacy full of vitamins and minerals. ✔️ Almonds contain more than 45% monounsaturated and polyunsaturated acids, but in addition they also contain relatively high amounts of easily digestible protein and fibre.

The peeled kernels of sweet almonds are unroasted and unsalted. They have a delicious taste and a typical almond aroma. They are suitable for direct consumption, roasting or baking.
Almonds are excellent for flavouring sweet dishes, for garnishing desserts, muesli, yoghurt or cereal porridge. They also make perfect spreads or almond milk and butter.


The peeled kernels of sweet almonds are unroasted and unsalted. They have a perfect taste and a typical almond aroma. They are suitable for direct consumption, roasting or baking. They are excellent for flavouring sweet dishes, for garnishing desserts, muesli, yoghurt or cereal porridge. They are also perfect for making various spreads.


For more information about this product, unfortunately, we can not be disclosed because it would be in accordance with Regulation of the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) no. 1924/2006 health claims that can not be disclosed. We publish only those health claims that have been approved by the European Commission.

Ingredients - Wolfberry Peeled almonds Medium 500 g

Wolfberry Peeled almonds Medium 500 g

peeled almonds

Supplement facts - Wolfberry Peeled almonds Medium 500 g

Wolfberry Peeled almonds Medium 500 g

Nutrition Facts

100 g

Calories 590  kcal
Protein 21,4 g
Total Carbohydrate 18,7 g
- Sugars 4,6 g
- Polyols 0 g
- Starch 0 g
Total Fat 52,5 g
- Saturated Fat 4 g
- Mono-unsaturated Fat 0 g
- Poly-unsaturated Fat 0 g
- Cholesterol 0 g
Dietary Fiber 9,9 g
Sodium 0 g

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