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Wolfberry Blackberries - lyophilized fruit - freeze-dried 20 g

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Wolfberry ostružiny - lyofilizované ovoce - sušené mrazem 20 g
Price with VAT : 42,- CZK
VAT:12 %
Total discount:36 %
Original price with VAT:66,- CZK
Availability:on request
Category: !_doplnek stravy / potravina pro zvlastni vyzivu / ostatni_!
Seller: AlfaFIT distribuční s.r.o. IČ: 09337814
Packing: 20 g
Actually not in stock
Wolfberry Blackberry - freeze-dried fruits - are fruits of exceptional color, flavor and aroma that ripen at the beginning of autumn, but in dry form we can consume them all year round. Freezing preserves the natural color, aroma and taste of fresh fruit.

DESCRIPTION: Wolfberry Blackberries - lyophilized fruit - freeze-dried 20 g

Blackberries are exceptional fruits that are sought after for their high vitamin C content and their antioxidants, which boost immunity and allegedly slow aging.
Brambles contain vitamins A, E and K and minerals like iron, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium or calcium. Blackberries are therefore recommended to consume various illnesses, convalescence after illness or injury.
Blackberries have a detoxifying effect. Thanks to the fiber, it works to cleanse the intestines and to solve digestive problems that affect the kidneys and urinary tract due to the alleged diarrhea effects. Old healers used blackberries to cleanse blood, lower blood sugar and cholesterol, and lower blood pressure.
Lyophilization is a freeze-drying process in which fruit retains its original shape, color, smell and up to 90% of its nutritional value.

EFFECTS: Wolfberry Blackberries - lyophilized fruit - freeze-dried 20 g

Unfortunately, we can not say more about this product, as it would be a health claim that we can not publish under Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council. We can only publish health claims that have been approved by the European Commission. As an example of an approved health claim, we state the claim for water: "It contributes to maintaining normal body and recognition functions, helping to maintain normal body temperature regulation." In the case of water, the consumer must at the same time be informed that a daily supply of at least 2 liters of water is required to achieve the stated effect. Let every site visitor draw their own conclusions.

USE: Wolfberry Blackberries - lyophilized fruit - freeze-dried 20 g

Blueberries are not dull or flavored and can be consumed directly instead of various snacks such as potato chips, waffles or sweets. They can be added to yogurts, cereals, cereals, slurries and cocktails. After soaking, they get the order.

WARNING:Wolfberry Blackberries - lyophilized fruit - freeze-dried 20 g

Store in a dry and dark place. The product contains no allergens.

PACKAGING: Wolfberry Blackberries - lyophilized fruit - freeze-dried 20 g

20 g

Ingredients - Wolfberry Blackberries - lyophilized fruit - freeze-dried 20 g

INGREDIENTS: Wolfberry Blackberries - lyophilized fruit - freeze-dried 20 g

100% blackberries

Supplement facts - Wolfberry Blackberries - lyophilized fruit - freeze-dried 20 g

NUTRITION FACTS: Wolfberry Blackberries - lyophilized fruit - freeze-dried 20 g

Nutrition Facts

100 g

Calories 1200 kJ / 287  kcal
Protein 7,6 g
Total Carbohydrate 39,6 g
- Sugars 39,6 g
- Polyols 0 g
- Starch 0 g
Total Fat 3,6 g
- Saturated Fat 0 g
- Mono-unsaturated Fat 0 g
- Poly-unsaturated Fat 0 g
- Cholesterol 0 g
Dietary Fiber 20 g
Sodium 0 g

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