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PROM-IN Pure L-Carnitine 240 capsules

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PROM-IN Pure L-Carnitine 240 capsules
Manufacturer:PROM-IN Sport Nutrition
Price with VAT : 555,- CZK
VAT:12 %
Total discount:6 %
Original price with VAT:589,- CZK
Availability:on request
Category: !_doplnek stravy / potravina pro zvlastni vyzivu / ostatni_!
Seller: AlfaFIT distribuční s.r.o. IČ: 09337814
Packing: 240 capsules
Ingredients: zobrazit >>
Nutritional values: zobrazit >>
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Carnitine is an effective help in burning body fat, supports physical performance and lowering cholesterol.
PROM-IN Pure L-Carnitine 240 capsules - Description:
Carnitine is absolutely indispensable substance for burning body fat. Approximately 25% of carnitine is obtained own synthesis in the liver. The remaining 75% must be supplied by food. The source is especially red meat. In the absence of carnitine body uses as energy during endurance activities instead of fat muscle glycogen whose resources are very limited and the effect on fat burning is also significantly reduced.
During physical exercise, especially endurance character, need carnitine significantly increased and its supplementation in athletes is highly desirable.
PROM-IN Pure L-Carnitine 240 capsules - EFFECTS:
* The effect of fat burning
* Carnitine reduces blood lactate - a waste product during high-intensity muscle activity - that reduces muscle pain
* Supports the efficiency of the heart
* Support the work of the brain and liver
* Positively affects the immune system
* Also increases sperm motility
* Carnitine increases the number of androgen receptors in muscle cell - the higher the efficiency of testosterone on muscle building
PROM-IN Pure L-Carnitine 240 capsules - ACTIVE INGREDIENTS:
* L-Carnitine - in the body, most of L-carnitine present in the muscles. Effect of L-carnitine is to carry the fatty acid (component major lipids) across the inner membrane of mitochondria, where they are oxidized thereby promotes the release of energy from fat stores. Contained proteins involved in the maintenance of healthy bones and the growth and maintenance of muscle mass.
PROM-IN Pure L-Carnitine 240 capsules - USE:
Recommended dosage:
1-3 capsules daily before exercise or physical activity.
PROM-IN Pure L-Carnitine 240 capsules - CAUTION:
This product is not intended as a substitute for a varied diet. Not suitable for children under 14 years of age, pregnant and nursing women. Store in a dry place below 25 ° C, protect from direct sunlight. Doporučenné exceed the daily dose. Keep out of reach of children. Producer is not liable for damages caused by improper usage or storage.
PROM-IN Pure L-Carnitine 240 capsules - PACKING:
240 capsules

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