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Naděje Alder - tincture of buds 50 ml (Alnus)

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 Naděje Olše - tinktura z pupenů 50 ml
 Naděje Olše - tinktura z pupenů 50 ml
Naděje Olše - tinktura - etiketa
Price with VAT : 129,- CZK
VAT:21 %
Total discount:4 %
Original price with VAT:135,- CZK
Availability:In Stock
Category: !_doplnek stravy / potravina pro zvlastni vyzivu / ostatni_!
Seller: AlfaFIT distribuční s.r.o. IČ: 09337814
Packing: 50 ml
Price with VAT: 129,- CZK
Naděje Alder is a 100% natural tincture from a small family company Naděje. ✔️ Naděje Alder - tincture of buds contains alder extract in its purest form. We usually deliver a wide selection of Naděje herbal tinctures within 2 days.

Naděje Alder is a 100% natural tincture from a small family company Naděje. Naděje Alder - tincture of buds contains alder extract in its purest form.


Daily dose = the number of drops corresponding to a person's weight is divided into two or three daily doses (eg for a total weight of 60 kg, the dose is divided into 2 x 30 drops or 3 x 20 drops)


For more information about this product, unfortunately, we can not be disclosed because it would be in accordance with Regulation of the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) no. 1924/2006 health claims that can not be disclosed. We publish only those health claims that have been approved by the European Commission.

Ingredients - Naděje Alder - tincture of buds 50 ml (Alnus)

Naděje Alder - tincture of buds 50 ml

water, alcohol 40% vol., glycerin, alder sticky bud


Do not exceed the daily dose, any turbidity is not a problem. Store at 28 °C. Do not replace a varied diet. Keep out of reach of children. Not suitable for children, nursing and pregnant women.

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