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Muscle Sport Pyruvate Extra Strong 100 capsules

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Muscle Sport PYRUVATE Extra Strong
Manufacturer:Muscle Sport
Price with VAT : 275,- CZK
VAT:12 %
Total discount:14 %
Original price with VAT:319,- CZK
Availability:on request
Category: !_doplnek stravy / potravina pro zvlastni vyzivu / ostatni_!
Seller: AlfaFIT distribuční s.r.o. IČ: 09337814
More information: Po registraci SLEVA!
Packing: 100 capsules
Actually not in stock
Muscle Sport Pyruvate Extra Strong is the product whose base consists of proven fat burner - calcium pyruvate. Ideal for exercise as a weight loss aid process.

DESCRIPTION: Muscle Sport Pyruvate Extra Strong 100 capsules

Pyruvate Extra Strong composition whose base consists of proven fat burner - calcium pyruvate. The effectiveness of calcium pyruvate is strengthened other active substances which accelerate the metabolism and accelerates the burning energy.

Calcium pyruvate - accelerates fat metabolism, encouraging the use of energy for sports achievements

L-carnitine tartrate
- converts fats into energy

Synephrine, caffeine
- speeds up metabolism and increases energy combustion

Green Tea
- contains EGCG (epigalotechin gallate), which promotes fat protects muscle and is a potent antioxidant

Niacin (vitamin B3)
- is important for the metabolism of carbohydrates, releasing energy from carbohydrates

EFFECTS: Muscle Sport Pyruvate Extra Strong 100 capsules

For more information about this product, unfortunately, we can not be disclosed because it would be in accordance with Regulation of the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) no. 1924/2006 health claims that can not be disclosed. We publish only those health claims that have been approved by the European Commission. As an example, approved a health claim for the water we claim: "It contributes to the maintenance of normal physical and cognitive functions, contributes to the maintenance of normal regulation of body temperature." Wherein the water must also be consumer is informed that in order to obtain the claimed effect must provide a daily intake of at least 2 liters of water. Let every visitor of which draw their own conclusion.

USE: Muscle Sport Pyruvate Extra Strong 100 capsules

Dosage: 5 capsules taken 30-60 minutes before training.

WARNING: Muscle Sport Pyruvate Extra Strong 100 capsules

Suitable for athletes. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Not intended for children, lactating and pregnant women. Keep out of reach of children. It is not intended as a substitute for a varied diet. Keep in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Use within 3 months of opening. Not suitable for people intolerant to the raw material.

PACKAGING: Muscle Sport Pyruvate Extra Strong 100 capsules

100 capsules

Ingredients - Muscle Sport Pyruvate Extra Strong 100 capsules

INGREDIENTS: Muscle Sport Pyruvate Extra Strong 100 capsules

calcium pyruvate, L-carnitine tartrate, caffeine, green tea extract, niacin, synephrine, glidants: magnesium stearate, dicalcium phosphate, gelatine capsule

Active substances

100 g


5 capsules

Calcium pyruvate 56,26 g 2250 mg
L-carnitine tartrate 39,47 g 1259 mg
Caffeine 1 g 40 mg
Green tea extract 0,625 g ´25 mg
Niacin 0,4 g 16 mg
Synephrine 0,25 g 10 mg

Supplement facts - Muscle Sport Pyruvate Extra Strong 100 capsules

NUTRITION FACTS: Muscle Sport Pyruvate Extra Strong 100 capsules

Nutrition Facts

100 g


5 capsules

Calories 298 kcal 12 kcal
Protein 35 g 1400 mg
Total Carbohydrate 0,25 g 10 mg
- Sugars 0 g 0 g
- Polyols 0 g 0 g
- Starch 0 g 0 g
Total Fat 0 g 0 g
- Saturated Fat 0 g 0 g
- Mono-unsaturated Fat 0 g 0 g
- Poly-unsaturated Fat 0 g 0 g
- Cholesterol 0 g 0 g
Dietary Fiber 0 g 0 g
Sodium 0 g 0 g

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