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VICHY Dercos Šampon proti lupům pro citlivou vlasovou pokožku 200 ml
Dandruff shampoo is suitable for sensitive scalps. The shampoo is effective after the first dosing ...
Packing: 200 ml
Availability: In Stock
Price with VAT435,-
VICHY Dercos Ultrazklidňující šampon pro normální až mastné vlasy 200 ml
VICHY Dercos Ultra-soothing shampoo for normal to greasy hair is a fresh gel texture and rich foam ...
Packing: 200 ml
Availability: In Stock
Price with VAT439,-
VICHY Dercos Šampon proti lupům se selenem pro normální až mastné vlasy 200 ml
VICHY Dercos Anti-dandruff shampoo with selenium for normal to greasy hair is highly effective, ...
Packing: 200 ml
Availability: In Stock
Price with VAT405,-
VICHY Dercos Šampon proti lupům se selenem na suché vlasy 200 ml
VICHY Dercos Anti-Dandruff Shampoo with selenium for dry hair is highly effective, helps reduce ...
Packing: 200 ml
Availability: In Stock
Price with VAT417,-
VICHY Dercos posilující šampon
VICHY Dercos Strengthening Shampoo is a shampoo that acts against hair loss with Aminexil, a ...
Packing: 200 ml
Availability: In Stock
Price with VAT412,-

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