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Dědek kořenář Horse Chestnut Mixture VXK 50 ml (Aesculus hippocastanum)

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 Dědek kořenář Jírovcová směs VXK 50 ml
 Dědek kořenář Jírovcová směs VXK 50 ml
Dědek kořenář Jírovcová směs VXK 50 ml
Manufacturer:Dědek kořenář
Price with VAT : 202,- CZK
VAT:21 %
Availability:In Stock
Category: !_doplnek stravy / potravina pro zvlastni vyzivu / ostatni_!
Seller: AlfaFIT distribuční s.r.o. IČ: 09337814
Packing: 50 ml
Price with VAT: 202,- CZK
Dědek kořenář Horse Chestnut Mixture VXK is an herbal concentrate that is suitable for stressed feet, massage for cramps and swelling and pain in extremity. It contains herbal extract of horse chestnut, calendula, horsetail, birch, goldenrod, agrimony, sage, lavender, comfrey, burdock and thyme.
Horse Chestnut mixture is a concentrate that is suitable for stressed leg massage cramps and soreness, and swelling of the limbs. It contains herbal extract of horse chestnut, calendula, horsetail, birch, goldenrod, agrimony, sage, lavender, comfrey, burdock and thyme. This mixture has a beneficial effect on the normal functioning of the vascular system, the cardiovascular system activity, activity saus or the condition of the skin and wound healing.
VXK - varices
Horse Chestnut it grows up to 30 meters high with a spherical, massive crown and a trunk with a diameter of about 2 m. In its youth it has a smooth dark gray bark, which is later blackish, on a reddish-brown refractory and peeling in small scales. Blooms in May to June, possibly in July. Flowers are arranged in upright, dense, rich to 30 cm long strips. Crowned petals are colored white with yellow and red spots


Massage the limbs with long strokes towards the heart. Massage the hands towards the heart with the hands above the head. Lightly massage the face sideways. Use 1-3 times a day as needed.


For more information about this product, unfortunately, we can not be disclosed because it would be in accordance with Regulation of the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) no. 1924/2006 health claims that can not be disclosed. We publish only those health claims that have been approved by the European Commission.

Ingredients - Dědek kořenář Horse Chestnut Mixture VXK 50 ml (Aesculus hippocastanum)

Dědek kořenář Horse Chestnut Mixture VXK 50 ml

Ethanol, Aqua, Aesculus hippocastanum flower, Agrimoniae herba, Calendula officinalis flower, Lavandula angustifolia flower, Betulae folium (birch), Salviae herba (sage), Bardanae radix (burdock), Symphyti radix (comfrey), Thymi herba (thyme), Equiseti herba (horsetail), Solidaginis herba (goldenrod)

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