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Cosmos Yunzhi (Coriolus) 11 g - 60 capsules - dietary veterinary medicine to Trametes versicolor (exp.: 03/02/2025)

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Cosmos Yunzhi (Coriolus) 60 kapslí Dr. Popov
Manufacturer:Cosmos Medicinal
Price with VAT : 181,- CZK
VAT:12 %
Total discount:49 %
Original price with VAT:355,- CZK
Availability:In Stock
Category: !_doplnek stravy / potravina pro zvlastni vyzivu / ostatni_!
Seller: AlfaFIT distribuční s.r.o. IČ: 09337814
More information: Minimální trvanlivost do: 03/02/2025
Packing: 60 capsules
Price with VAT: 181,- CZK
Cosmos Yunzhi contains ground dried mushrooms in their natural form (natural untreated ground fruiting body in a gelatin capsule). It is used in China for centuries and is well known in ethnic medicine in South America.
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DESCRIPTION: Cosmos Yunzhi (Coriolus) 11 g - 60 capsules - dietary veterinary medicine to Trametes versicolor


Cosmos Yunzhi contains exclusively minced dried mushrooms in their natural form. Coriolus grows on both dead and living stems and branches of broadleaf. It has been used in China for centuries as is well known in ethnic healing in South America.
According to an EU authority, this product was not used in the EU countries as a food ingredient before 15 May 1997. For this reason, it can be marketed as a food ingredient only after it has been evaluated in accordance with the EU Directive on novel foods. Potential food ingredient of a new type. Veterinary preparation.

Coriolus grows on dead and living stems and branches of laubbume trees. Fruit body can be found on the living and the dead trunks and branches of beech, hornbeam, oak, willow, cherry and other deciduous trees, seldom also on the stems of coniferous trees. It occurs in acidic oak forests and oligotrophic hornbeam oak forests but also in cultural spruce forests and marshes and swamps. We can find stumps mainly birch, oak, beech and hornbeam trees as well as fruit trees like cherry.

EFFECTS: Cosmos Yunzhi (Coriolus) 11 g - 60 capsules - dietary veterinary medicine to Trametes versicolor

For more information about this product, unfortunately, we can not be disclosed because it would be in accordance with Regulation of the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) no. 1924/2006 health claims that can not be disclosed. We publish only those health claims that have been approved by the European Commission. As an example, approved a health claim for the water we claim: "It contributes to the maintenance of normal physical and cognitive functions, contributes to the maintenance of normal regulation of body temperature." Wherein the water must also be consumer is informed that in order to obtain the claimed effect must provide a daily intake of at least 2 liters of water. Let every visitor of which draw their own conclusion.

USE: Cosmos Yunzhi (Coriolus) 11 g - 60 capsules - dietary veterinary medicine to Trametes versicolor

Veterinary recommended dosage:

  Weight of the animal Dosage
Cat / dog < 10 kg 1 tbl / day
Dog 10 - 30 kg 2 tbl / day
Dog / animal > 30 kg 3 tbl / day

WARNING: Cosmos Yunzhi (Coriolus) 11 g - 60 capsules - dietary veterinary medicine to Trametes versicolor

In a cool, dry place. Do not expose to extreme light and heat. Out of reach of children. No artificial flavor enhancers and preservatives. In its natural form, is not fermented or chemically modified. It does not contain any genetically modified ingredients. Non-ionizing radiation. It does not contain gluten.

PACKAGING: Cosmos Yunzhi (Coriolus) 11 g - 60 capsules - dietary veterinary medicine to Trametes versicolor

60 capsules

Ingredients - Cosmos Yunzhi (Coriolus) 11 g - 60 capsules - dietary veterinary medicine to Trametes versicolor (exp.: 03/02/2025)

INGREDIENTS: Cosmos Yunzhi 11 g - 60 capsules

Coriolus, gelatin capsule

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